In a groundbreaking study conducted in Australia and Canada, scientists have identified five key activities that are linked to good mental health when carried out on a regular basis. These activities, known as the Big Five, include having healthy thought patterns, planning for the future, engaging in meaningful activities, maintaining healthy routines, and connecting with friends and family at least four times a week.
The study, published in the journal Behavior Research and Therapy, analyzed the impact of these behaviors on depression and anxiety by asking participants to reduce these activities before resuming them again. The results were striking, with a significant drop in mental wellbeing observed in those who restricted their Big Five activities by at least 25%. This highlights the importance of these behaviors in maintaining good mental health.
Professor Nickolai Titov, the study author and professor of psychology at Macquarie University, noted that the rapid decline in mental wellbeing was unexpected, emphasizing the crucial role these activities play in our overall mental health. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating these behaviors into our daily lives to promote mental wellbeing.
Psychotherapist Lisa Bruton, spokesperson for the UK Council for Psychotherapy, commented on the study, highlighting the significance of the findings in understanding what improves mental health. The study’s innovative approach of refraining from these key behaviors sheds light on the importance of actively engaging in activities that promote mental wellbeing.
So, what are these five everyday behaviors, and how do they contribute to improving mental health?
1. Healthy Thought Patterns: Healthy thought patterns involve being hopeful yet realistic about oneself, others, the world, and the future. This includes thinking with kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. Adopting healthy thought patterns can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, promoting overall mental health.
2. Planning for the Future: While staying present is often emphasized, planning for the future has psychological benefits. Setting realistic and achievable goals provides a sense of direction and purpose, leading to a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
3. Engaging in Meaningful Activities: Doing things that bring joy and fulfillment, such as exercising, baking, or socializing, can boost mood and create a sense of belonging. Meaningful activities release feel-good hormones and help connect us with others, enhancing mental wellbeing.
4. Having Healthy Routines: Establishing healthy routines, such as good sleep, exercise, diet, and stress management, is essential for overall wellbeing. Consistency in healthy habits improves self-esteem and satisfaction, contributing to better mental health.
5. Connecting with Friends and Family: Regularly meeting with friends and family fulfills our social needs and boosts mental health. Socializing helps manage anxiety and depression, improves self-esteem, and strengthens relationships, promoting overall wellbeing.
Incorporating these five behaviors into our daily lives can have a profound impact on our mental health. By prioritizing healthy thought patterns, planning for the future, engaging in meaningful activities, maintaining healthy routines, and connecting with loved ones, we can cultivate a positive mindset and enhance our overall wellbeing. It’s essential to recognize the importance of these behaviors and make a conscious effort to incorporate them into our daily routines for optimal mental health.